Dendale Construction provides project management & help with design & services to improve & enhance a buildings functionality & reduce energy costs.
We can advise on heat retention, draught proofing & air-tightness and how best to improve the buildings thermal values. Reduce energy waste, lower bills and reduce the carbon footprint.
We can advise on best option heating systems, whether district, central or individual heat systems. Domestic gas or oil replacement options, which may include Air-source, ground source, heat pumps, solar thermal or solar Photo-voltaic PV, how and where these can be installed, the type and size available and ultimately the costs.
Simple insulation improvements such as loft or roof insulation, external wall insulation, internal wall insulation & heat recovery, can all and at relatively low costs make huge improvements to your home, businesses and social concience, while also making big savings on energy waste and bills.
You and indeed we all soon, shall be faced with improving the properties EPC (Energy Performance) and property owners, landlords including private landlords alike, will need to make the improvements necessary to create at least a C-Rated property for it’s tenants & occupiers. Small improvement may be all that is needed and Dendale can help you identify what areas need to be targetted 1st and where the most efficient and cost minimal improvements can be made to ensure you keep the properties compliant and avoid penalties.
We can identify the works needed and gather all the components necessary to deliver in-house all of your needs.